
Showing posts with the label Election 2024

Biden and Trump with Election 2024 Planets

Election Day 2024: Rufflings In America by Jude Cowell There are two bi-wheels shown below : Election 2024 (timed by Moon to 00Cap00:00 ) surrounding the natal horoscope of President Joe Biden , and Election 2024 Horoscope surrounding the natal horoscope of Donald Trump . This shows Election 2024 planets on that day as transits to both natal charts ; planetary contacts are listed , below : In this post I refer to books by Ebertin Reinhold, Michael Munkasey, Noel Tyl, Alan Oken, and Julia Skalka as sources to inform us. Note that you may find other planetary contacts besides the following. **November 5, 2024 contacts to President Biden's natal planets include: Voting Mercury @3Sag53 conjunct Ascendant: What one thinks is on the line; rapidly disseminated news. Saturn Rx @12Pis46 will again cross his natal IC : completion, then the beginning of a new life phase. This shift is in progress. Mars @00Leo29 opposing Pluto @29Cap47 ruffles Biden's natal Jupiter and Plut

July 11, 2024 Horoscope: Trump to Be Sentenced

UPDATE September 6, 2024: Judge Merchan has rescheduled Trump's sentencing to November 26, 2024 which is the Tuesday prior to Thankgiving Day 2024 - and after Election 2024. UPDATE July 3, 2024: As you've heard, the sentencing of convicted felon Trumph has been rescheduled for September 18th , the day after the Lunar Eclipse @25Pis41 and it may not occur at all. Original post begins here: Here you see an unvarnished Horoscope ( sans my scribbly astro-notes) of what's intended to be the Sentencing of convicted felon Donald Trump by Judge Juan Merchan scheduled for July 11, 2024 10:00 am edt in Merchan's Manhattan courtroom - if all goes to plan: View the same Horoscope with my study notes penned on at the original Stars Over Washington site if and as you wish. jc